Gain A Deeper Understanding of End-Time Events - The Mark

 Available In Kindle As A Download
Order Your Copy Today!

Israel, The Middle East, Blood Moons, Solar Eclipses

 Is The Time At Hand?
Where Are We At On God's Timeclock?
Is There A Major War On The Horizon?
Will It Come To America?
What Will Happen To Israel?

Mark Biltz

Pail Matte, Christian Author releases Speaking the Truth in Love


and in Kindle as a download. 

For more information about the author and his book visit
Paul Matte.

Love One Another - Dream, Believe, Follow

 Together, We Can All Make A Difference

What Is God's Will In Your Everyday Life

Inspirational Scriptures, Powerful Prayers, Meaningful Positive Affirmations, and Dynamic Images to get your days starting joyfully and your nights ending serenely.

Each morning and night contain a scripture, a prayer, a positive affirmation, and an image. Each page also has a place to write the date as you read and a place to write notes.

No scripture, prayer or positive affirmation is repeated. All the prayers and positive affirmations are unique to the scriptures that they’re with. You will not be bored reading this devotion. It’s different from any other devotion that you’ve read before. This is written in an interesting and engaging style to get you reading each morning and night without skipping a day.

This devotion starts from Day 1 and goes to Day 365. This means that you can start using this book at any time during the year. It’s not based on calendar year but rather YOUR year. This devotion will give you the chance to somewhat read the entire Bible, or at least get you close to doing that in 365 days.

This devotion tells the story of God and His agape love for His most beloved creation…us. This devotion is written to be read over the course of a year. However, if you find that you can’t wait to complete it over a year’s time, then go right ahead and read it how you want to read it. This devotion was written to assist you in living the best spiritual and temporal lives that you can. It was also written to make you enjoy reading the Bible and understand what it is about. This devotion is intriguing, fascinating, and a page-turner.

Once you’ve finished reading this devotion, you should understand who God is, why He did what He did for humanity, and what we need to do to be saved. Also, it tells what will happen to the heavens, to Earth and everything in it once God makes His appearance again to us.

This devotion is chronologically done, from before the beginning of creation unto the end of it. The entire story of the children of Israel is chronologically told from all the books of the Old Testament. The chronological story of Jesus Christ is also told. It also tells of the apostles who took over spreading the Gospel after Jesus left Earth. All the books of the New Testament are used to write about Jesus and His apostles. To make reading this devotion more interesting, suspenseful, and exciting, the story of the Israelites and the story of Jesus Christ are intertwined. However, they are still easy to follow.

This devotion has Important Scriptures and Powerful Prayers to help you deal with personal problems such as alcoholism, overeating, suicide, and rape. It also has Important Scriptures and Powerful Prayers to deal with major life problems like racism and environmental issues. Additionally, it has Important Scriptures and Powerful Prayers about spiritual facts such as the relationship between Jesus Christ and God, why there is no mandatory tithing now, and baptism in Jesus’ name. There are also other personal lessons, life lessons, and spiritual lessons that are addressed to help you live the best temporal life and spiritual life that you can, so that you can have the best of both worlds.

This devotion is good for:
  • Women who want to improve and be a better version of themselves.
  • Women who are looking for a fun way of reading the Bible.
  • Women who are looking for a new devotion.
  • New believers.
  • Long-time Christians.
  • Former Christians.
  • Teenagers.

More than a novel, more than history book, Becoming A Virtuous Woman Daily Devotions For Women is available at Amazon.

Are The Skies Of Your Like Lacking Sunshine

A Physician's Personal Journey


When Skies Aren't Blue

Don't Miss Out On This Wonderful Book

 The Seduction of Proverbs 7: Reloaded
Christian Author Timothy O.


Biblical Principles To Help Face Life’s Bullies

This is a wonderful and highly encouraging read that presents a perspective of wisdom and common sense, offering some solutions that can be used to face a bully (a.k.a. today’s societal dilemmas).   A CBM Christian  Book Review ~ 10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Tronell Walker, in her latest release, Killing Greatness: A Story About a Bully, speaks to bring encouragement to readers with an underlying theme of encouragement and Biblical principles to help face life’s bullies. She also speaks on current issues facing America, offering hope to many. 

She speaks frankly and candidly, yet with an overtone of love, tact, wisdom, and gentleness. Her own life reflects one who has chosen to remain steadfast, trusting in God through the storms of life. She gives readers the insight and courage to face their “bullies” in life with confidence, trusting in God through their trials.  

The goal for this book is to enlighten, encourage, and inspire readers into a firm resolve despite circumstances. She covers such subjects as: racism, the current political climate, advocates for the LGBT community, as well as the disabled. With a blend of historical and well-researched facts, along with Scripture, the reader is free to disagree or agree, regardless. 

Tronell Walker’s desire and purpose in this read is to shed light onto these subjects, bringing the social change necessary according to Christian principles of love and mercy. Her hopes are that others will learn how to love and accept each other, individually and corporately, regardless of race, social status, or capabilities; in this way, honoring the Two Greatest Commandments, which is to love God first and to love your neighbors as yourself. You may get your copy of Killing Greatness at Amazon.

Author Thomas Ask

A wonderfully written novel that never left me with a dull moment. I felt as if I had travelled right there with father and son. A well-done book fit for family entertainment!

Get ready to fly, sail, camp and discover! This is a fast-paced Christian-themed scientific journey of exploration filled with technical discovery and building, as a beloved father and son grow in their Christian faith and make a surprising discovery underneath the Earth. ~ CBM Christian Book Reviews

David and son, Aaron, work together in this exciting exploration of earth and sea as a father and son duo filled with comradery, showcasing faith and trust in Jesus. Their adventures take them across the globe, and both admit that they love exploration, especially David. 

Exciting, the two find different landscapes traversing across sea and land in their exploits. Questions have arisen from a mysterious island sinking near Heard Island. Lessons range from oceanography, Earth Science to sailing emerge, as they discover circular chasms on the sea floor under the deep waters surrounding the island. Aaron’s search has begun. Why did that island just disappear and sink, and why so violently? Aaron had barely escaped. 

Yet, despite their commonalities as father and son, their Christian faith keeps them going. Witty and filled with vivid writing and an understanding of how the world works, the author slides in tidbits of life lessons from the Bible. The freedom between these two is refreshing and will leave one yearning for travel and adventure. Building and designing ideas seem to flow between them, passed down from the previous generation. With a taste for adventure, readers will enjoy scenery changes from sea planes to a luxurious jet. Their journeys take them farther than they could have imagined. 

From the southern ocean, over the Atlantic to Africa, notably Zanzibar, with a pitstop in Madagascar before an Antarctic expedition. Then both are off again – this time to the jungles of South America. The two travelers begin to answer questions as to the reason why that island sank; this leads them to Canada. The untouched Artic tundra to be exact. 

The Gospel message and salvation is intertwined within the book. Meanwhile their Christian faith brings hope. David teaches his son lessons, deep lessons about love, God’s creation and why God had to allow evil. These are much appreciated answers without complicated theology. The way David answers just makes sense. 

This is a wholesome adventure recommended for young boys and girls above the age of twelve and comes highly recommended as a scientific, Earth-Science and Christian-based novel that gives the desire to explore different places throughout the world. One might even have a map handy, as these two travel quite extensively.  

You may get your copy of Passage Finder at Amazon or in Kindle as a download.

Title: Passage Finder
By: Thomas Ask
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Are You An Instrument of God

The excitement and practicality of knowing your spiritual gifts is now yours. The topic of spiritual gifts can seem complex. What are my spiritual gifts? How do I recognize my spiritual gifts? How many spiritual gifts do I have? How do I use my spiritual gifts? The answers to your questions concerning spiritual gifts are now at your fingertips.

This book will now serve as a practical guide to help you find and understand your place in the Kingdom of God. The only thing that feels better then knowing that you’re in the right place in the body of Christ, is knowing that you are called, equipped, and trained to accomplish what God has positioned you to do. Every spirit filled Christian has at least one or more spiritual gifts. 

These spiritual gifts are not for the individual, but for the rest of body. You can be the instrument that God uses to enrich and bless those around you. The Apostle Paul makes clear his thoughts on spiritual gifts. “Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant.” 1 Corinthians 12:1. You will learn the difference between ministry gifts and spiritual gifts. You will become familiar the revelation gifts, power gifts, and utterance gifts, and know the function in purpose of each group. You will not only have a knowledge of what all the spiritual gifts are, and how they operate within the body of Christ, but how to discover your own personal gifts and become proficient in operating them.

God Will Always Be With Us In Times Of Trouble

This is a  particularly worrisome time for all who can't help but see & hear the newscasts day in and day out regarding the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

But it is also a unique time in our history, one which presents a rare silver lining for Christians. We can use this as an opportunity to share our faith and hope in Jesus Christ.

There will be debates whether or not God allowed this sinister pandemic to occur in order to bring about His sovereign plan to unfold at this time in our nation's history. There will also be discussions on a litany of subjects related to end-time events and signs of the times as it relates to Christ's return.

One thing I know for sure:  God saw this virus coming... 

Nothing takes God by surprise. He is not "wringing His hands" and "shaking His head" because the virus is spreading like lightning. God is still on His Throne. He already sees the beginning of this crisis from the end. 

So what can we do in the meantime as we are faced with possible government imposed Martial Law? (you can read about it here if you are curious) Martial Law in the U.S.  How should we spend endless hours of self-quarantine in our homes? Can we still be productive and make a difference around us?

Some people have careers that allow them to work from home with little difficulty. Others have jobs that require them to be in close proximity to the public at large - whether they are in law enforcement, the medical field, or the food & home goods supply chain. Many simply won't be able to keep their jobs because their places of business have suspended operations or closed down temporarily.

If you are blessed to work part-time from home or still have children (or grandchildren) under your roof, then you might have some discretionary time like I do to be an "encourager from afar." This blog post is a small contribution I can make to the public at large. My little blog reaches across the globe with the click of a mouse. I know that the internet can play a vital role for those who are isolated - irregardless of this virus.

People are becoming more aware of their mortality and vulnerabilities. They are increasingly uneasy and are more afraid of the unknown. We all have some level of anxiety of what is yet to come. However, the Christian is in the unique position to spread God's truth and give a testimony for the "hope we have within us" (I Peter 3:15).

When we are in the midst of a crisis and face afflictions and suffering, first use it as a time of self-reflection. Then use what you have learned as a tool for ministering to others. Tell them why you are in love with Jesus. Share your testimony. Explain to them why they need a Savior and a spiritual rebirth in order to be with God in heaven.  

In times of uncertainty you can still be an effective ambassador  for Jesus Christ. Don't let fear rob you of your mission.

First, clothe yourself with humility Second, divest yourself of anxiety and worry Third, arm yourself with sobriety Fourth, remind yourself of eternity

Remember, FEAR is an acronym for:  False Evidence Appearing Real.  Many times what we fear actually never comes to pass. As President Franklin D. Roosevelt said over the radio to millions of Americans in 1933, "You have nothing to fear but fear itself."  

Fear is a weapon Satan uses to immobilize the masses in a way that is debilitating and destructive. In Luke 12:32 Jesus said, "Do not fear..."  So how can we rise above that feeling and function in a healthy environment with those around us?

Here are three things from God's Word that you and I can take comfort in:

1.  God can be trusted in times of trouble
      Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths."  

Number 23:19 says, "God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?"  God is indeed trustworthy.

Corrie ten Boom said, "God has no problems, only plans."

2.  God will take care of us in times of trouble
      Psalm 91:9-11 says, "Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, even the Most High, your habitation, no evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling; For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways."  I Peter 5:7 encourages us to, "...cast all your care upon Him, for He cares for you."

Martin Luther said the following, "Pray and let God worry."

3.  God will always be with us in times of trouble
      Joshua 1:9 declares, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage, do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." 

Remember the three Hebrew youths Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego who were cast into the fiery furnace? Even Nebuchadnezzar acknowledged God's presence in Daniel 3:25, "Look! I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire; and they are not hurt, and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God."

Jesus Himself said, "...and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." (Matthew 28:20)

Take heart... God never sleeps nor slumbers (Psalms 121:3-4)   He is still sovereign over all - now and forever.  

Written by: Deborah McCarragher author of Mission Possible

Books For Young Mothers

No words could express the importance of the following two books. Both are simply amazing reads that offer a vast amount of information for both parents and children. Be sure to order your copies today. 

Author Reina Davison releases Overcoming Abuse: Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Protection--A Guide for Parents Caregivers and Helpers by Reina Davison offers a 3-part handbook to parents, caregivers, and helpers to aid in protection against child sexual abuse. Coupled with the use of Biblical principles, stages of development in children, this book teaches, educates and gives parents the arsenal they need to educate themselves and their families in either prevention or healing from traumatic child sexual abuse (CSA).

Giving the definitions of child sexual abuse (CSA) and the staggering statistics in our nation, coupled with the abuse worldwide – the abuse of children is unprecedented. 

Our day and age is raging with this sin against the most innocent of beings – children. Abuse comes in many forms and can be quite insidious, thus the author’s efforts focus on sexual abuse. She also gives insight into the psychiatric dynamics of a sexual predator or offender. Her book is well-rounded and an overview on the subject of CSA that gives knowledge, help and guidance as a manual for prevention and protection against such crimes.

As a comprehensive handbook, one can glean the contents and find out not only how to use her guide, but understand how to limit internet media and device pornography, recognize strategies of perpetrators, giving tips of what to do and what not to do – parents, caregivers and helpers can help recognize, prevent and protect children against childhood sexual abuse. This guide is an invaluable resource, offering also an overview of the main reasons for abuse (the psychology of abusers) to help readers spot unsafe behaviors, giving them a guidebook in tracking and preventing child sexual abuse.

With a section on educating your child on this subject, this book takes all the pieces of a giant puzzle, and even sheds light on the judicial system in relation to this issue. With different stages of age, such as birth to toddler, toddler to five, six to twelve, and twelve to eighteen, the author has broken down the different stages of growth, exposing the different levels of opportunity that sexual predators may use against a child at these ages, along with age appropriate environments and care providers.

This book comes as a highly recommended guide and handbook for parents and caregivers as well as for those dealing with such issues, pastors, police, counselors, child psychologists, medical staff, and the court system will find this information useful in teaching child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention and protection!

Overcoming Abuse: My Body Belongs to God and Me – A Child’s Body Safety Guide by Reina Davison speaks to children, telling them they are “Overcomers.” 

This is a wonderful truth in God’s Word, as she begins the book by the definition of what an overcomer is. Opening children’s eyes to the truth of God’s purpose and plans for them, she goes on to describe God’s gift of free will. Describing Good Touch and Bad Touch; she elaborates on these two and what that can encompass. There are Good Touch people and Bad Touch people. Her book gives hope to children who have or have not experienced abuse by speaking the truth of God’s love and care for their body. She also teaches children how to prevent abuse by giving them the tools to know the difference between a healthy relationship and unhealthy relationships.

Writing from a Biblical perspective, yet incredibly gentle and simple, Reina Davison gives hope and guidance that exposes the darkness and sin of the enemy lurking in our lives. These people are unsafe and “No Touch” people as Reina explains. Her premise teaches children the principle of becoming “Overcomers” in Christ Jesus. This is a fantastic book that teaches wonderful and enlightening spiritual truths to children. (Note: This book just may encourage adults as well; teaching them that they are overcomers!) I personally enjoyed the uplifting truths to her book and thought…I wish I had a book such as this when I was a child. You will be delighted by this book as well.

As a guidebook, this book teaches parents, caregivers, family members, etc., to understand what safe behavior is in and out of the home. Her Body Safety guide in the back provides a checklist for adults to adhere to in protecting children. With beautiful illustrations, the author sheds light on walking in the truth of God’s Word, while giving them instruction of their enemy (the devil), the Bible, and Jesus, offering hope and encouragement to look to Jesus as their help and Savior. Her book shows that God has a good plan for them and cares for them. She shares that they are Overcomers and can defeat the enemy (the devil) and that because of Jesus, they too can choose to be of Good Cheer (be happy). 

This book comes highly recommended for all children who need to be taught encouraging truths about God’s Word, and especially is a tool to be used by parents, counselors, pastors, child psychologists, medical personnel, and lay persons to teach about healthy sexual boundaries.  

To tell you the truth, this is one of those books parents should utilize in teaching their children about bad people that sin and touch inappropriately. She has given a list of resources in the back of the book, and is an advocate of ending child sexual abuse. Written with grace, wisdom, and sensitivity to children’s pure intellects, this book does a wonderful job in tackling a difficult subject.

“Thank you, Reina Davison, for your work to protect the vulnerable children of the world!” ~ CBM Christian Book Reviews

 For more informations visit Overcoming Abuse

Get Informed On Wealth In The Christian Life

Join Lawrence A. Clayton in this short journey as we explore work and wealth in Scripture and seek answers. We travel from the first work recorded in the Bible to our own time, when leisure competes with work for our attention and wealth gives us a false sense of security that puts us in danger of replacing God with self.

The Power of Scripture In Our World Today

The Beginning And The End
A Must Read

Using God’s discernment the author provides positive reinforcement that will help transform the world. As a body of Christ we are able to all use our special gifts and contribute to creating a new world. 

This is the heart of the message in this book. Discovering our true self and growing together is the goal. This book contains much research and analysis that will help in seeing the world through God’s eyes.

Press Release - Inner Eve

A CBM Christian Author Press Release 

Sydney, Australia – Author Bozena Zawisz is a professional private Psychologist, holding a MA in Psychology with Post Grad Dip in Psychology with a Grad Certificate of Peace and Conflict Studies. She counsels many women to connect them with what gives them inspiration and strength.

Liberating the Inner Eve: A Reflective Journey for Women is designed to bring freedom to women through a reflective journey, offering women a way to connect to their “inner” self. 

Shedding light on the empowerment message the Jesus brought in the New Testament, compared to the Old Testament depiction of Eve in the Garden, her book brings a refreshing and analytical and psychological viewpoint. Designed to help women thrive, she uncovers the many of the conscious and subconscious views of women in society that have sprung from Eve’s legacy.

Even in today’s society, women play many roles, Liberating the Inner Eve: A Reflective Journey for Women looks into the Mirror of God’s Word, cultural aspects and self thought/behaviors. Each chapter focuses and bring a refreshing experience in self-discovery and reflection, bringing spiritual truths to the reader, that coincide with interactive exercises at the end of each section.

Many of the insights also share knowledge of human behaviors as presented by various philosophies, saints and authors, (mainly Virginia Satir’s model) that enhance the author’s book, advocating self-love and acceptance. Bringing readers into an appreciation for enjoying the present is a main theme of the book. And as a Christian, the author assists readers in finding peace and joy in “Practicing the Presence of God,” as one of the many spiritual exercises included in the book that create an atmosphere for inner healing, peace, love and joy.

Residing in Australia with her husband Fred and young son, Nicholas, Bozena has a rich Polish heritage, which she shares today with family and friends by playing the organ on the weekends in a Polish Catholic Community. Her background, steeped in religion, sparked a curiosity for the views women and how they have been portrayed throughout the ages. It is her desire, purpose and intent to the help women discover their true “inner Eves” with a true identity of themselves as valuable and equal to their male counterpart. Her mantra is one of love, compassion and respect for others in their own uniqueness. 

She salutes all women of all ages who are strong, beautiful and capable ~ bringing freedom to the Liberation of Eve!


Available In Kindle

Title: Breaking the Silence
By: Diamante Lavendar
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Breaking the Silence by Diamante Lavendar is a touching fictional memoir written through a series of diary entries by the main character of the book, Joan Eastman. The character has bought the diary to journal her second pregnancy. Beginning with a poem written by the author, the poem sheds light on the beauty of the Lord’s keeping of you in your life and the fleeting temporal world that we live in, giving all hope for the future available in the Lord. Her book continues with fading in-and-out of memories and glimpses of the characters life, revealing horror of young innocence that was stolen and abused, Eastman’s memories of child abuse portray abuse that began at two-years-old and continued for many years. Encouraging all to not internalize abuse, the author speaks out to inspire others to break the cycle of silence that victims of abuse often endure in their suffering.

As the book transcends into the depths of child abuse and the wounding, the author reflects these journeys with life-lessons learned that reveal an overcoming spirit. She reveals how the Lord was there at every “winding road” that helps readers understand such issues as: anger, emotional and sexual abuse, the damage of stuffing emotions, self-esteem, hatred, perfectionism, self reflection, and so much more that offers readers hope and faith in God, offering a realization that with help from Him, they can overcome all abuse and neglect in their lives.

Throughout the book, many different seasons are revealed in the character’s life, displaying just how God carried the character through all the dark times. A restoration of hope and a personal relationship in the Lord  developed over the years in the character which sheds light on the fact that whether abused or not, all readers can relate to the different seasons of one’s life and look back upon their lives to see the hand of God active upon their life. This is the main theme of the book intertwined with breaking the silence of abuse that the author has creatively conveyed.

She also wants others to know that they are not alone. Encouraging all to look to God and that there is hope, healing and restoration in Jesus Christ. This book comes highly recommended for those that need help and encouragement in processing abuse, giving them a foundation in the Lord, and helps lead them into recovery by offering hope through Jesus Christ.

Order your copy of Breaking the Silence at Amazon in Kindle

A Cute Little Pumpkin Shaped Box

Alvin Gan is the creative talent behind Let the Little Children Come, focusing on the joy, salvation, and eternal life offered through Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. 

See the testimonies of the wonderful way children and adults alike LOVE these Halloween tracts.  Sold in packages of 20, this is a wonderful way to teach children about the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

Give out more than just candy this Halloween!

Let kid’s know about Jesus through this cute little pumpkin shaped box that holds children’s favorite candy, asking the question, “Is there anything better than candy?” This Halloween tract is developed just for kids during the time of goblins, pumpkins and scary stuff; the answer is “YES, THERE IS SOMETHING WAY BETTER THAN CANDY.” Being God’s friend is much better than candy. 

Jesus: Telling children about Jesus, salvation and eternal life during this Halloween is the perfect way to share God’s love. Open up this little pumpkin and find each Halloween tract filled pumpkin has 6 petals. Written in a way children can easily understand, this is a great addition to your Halloween candy bowl as you hand out your Halloween treats. Teaching the Good News of the Gospel with this Halloween tract, these products have been a huge hit during Halloween! 

Products: Other products by designer and developer Alvin Gan are: Animated John 3:16 tracts, that include a variety of pop-ups, greatest gift sticker story, wordless tracts, Easter egg shaped candy tracts for Easter time, The True Story of Christmas and a tract developed for sharing the Gospel to older children in a contemporary grungy style, with the John 3:16 children’s tract available in English, Spanish and Chinese. Free shipping worldwide and a 100% product money back guarantee comes with every purchase.

All products are an innovative and powerful evangelism tool to teach the saving grace of Jesus Christ and the promise of eternal life.