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Get It In Kindle Edition - Keeper of Reign - Finalist for the 2013 Readers' Choice Award
Christian authors sharing Christian books through the power of Christian Book Marketing.
Christian Author Fatai Oladapo Adebanjo - God’s Telephone Number
Author News - Multi-published Christian author Carol A. Krejci - Israel, My Personal Journey
Understanding The Lifestyle of a Prophet by best-selling author and internationally recognized prophet, James W. Goll
Selected as a Finalist in the 2013 Readers' Favorite Award Contest - The Daily Devotional Series: 365 Devotions Through the New Testament
Christian Book Releases - Woman of Sin Trilogy by multi-published author Debra Diaz
The Unspeakable by Tessa Stockton, get it at Amazon and in Kindle Edition

Hot Off The Press - the Seven Messages from the Master
Author: Reverend Terry Allan Christian
Review Date: July 8, 2013
A Christain Book Review
10.0 stars out of 10.0 stars
What Did Jesus Say? by Rev. Terry Allan Christian reveals the Seven Messages from the Master. Instructed by the Holy Spirit, this book is unique. Never before has a book been compiled, giving the words of Jesus as He spoke in the Bible.
Taking from the New King James Version, Rev. Terry Allan Christian has composed a book holding the power of the teachings of Jesus that are only printed in red. After reading this book, one will have read over 500 passages spoken by Jesus Christ. This is an amazing book that offers truth and light through the words of Jesus. The author has written this book as inspired by the Holy Spirit to encourage, instruct and teach the Body of Christ what the Master has to say. Come and discover peace and truth through this uplifting, Holy Spirit inspired book that speaks Jesus' words only.
Presented as a full color and beautifully illustrated 170 page e-book, audio CD or paperback version with large, easy to read text, this book makes a perfect gift for anyone wanting to know Jesus and what He said. Beginning with the poem "Footprints in the Sand" by Mary Stevenson that is re-written by the author, the author proceeds to take the reader down a walk on the beach with Jesus. The book is nothing short of phenomenal and will impact your life as you become more like Jesus.
Rev. Terry Allan Christian has 30 years experience as a student of the Bible and of God Himself. He currently is a minister and teacher for God, teaching Christian principles. He is a retired personal and motivational speaker that has taught over 2500 seminars as a corporate trainer to companies throughout America and Canada. As a young teen, he gave his life to God. Due to growing up in a very dysfunctional household, he developed a severe stuttering problem. It was then the age of 23 that God gave Him a vision and the Holy Spirit told him one day he would be a teacher of Christian principles. He was miraculously healed and today, 30 years later, he is a minister and has written this book dedicated to the teachings of the Master Teacher. Learn the secrets of life through the Master Teacher – Jesus.
#1 in Biblical fiction on Amazon - SCARS by end time novelist, Patience Prence is an Amazing End-Times Prophecy Novel
SCARS by end time novelist, Patience Prence is an Amazing End-Times Prophecy Novel. SCARS reveals many possible answers to questions such as, "Who is the Antichrist? The False Prophet? The name that equates to 666 in both Greek and Hebrew?" and "What is the Mark of the Beast and the image of the Beast?"
The revelation comes to life in this real life drama that is mesmerizing and an apocalyptic thriller weaving End Times prophecy throughout. A heart-wrenching story of a young girl set during the Tribulation, SCARS chronicles the beginning of the End of the World, as earth-shattering events lead up to the Apocalypse as foretold in the Bible.
What the Reviewers are saying,
Although Patience is legally blind, suffering from Usher Syndrome, a disease that causes hearing loss and blindness (Retinitis Pigmentosa), her passion is to write novels that draw readers into the reality of the Bible and End Time prophecy.
For further information visit the author's website The Spring Harvest where you can get your copy of SCARS. SCARS is also available at Amazon and at Barnes and Noble. Be sure to see the Scars Video Book trailer on YouTube. SCARS is also available at Amazon Canada, Amazon United Kingdom, Armageddon Books and
Award winning author D.A. Winstead's novel Southern Crosses: An African Ghost Story
See what international book lovers are reading about the author's view of grace and the three Fs of Christian life in Africa... faith, fairness, and forgiveness.
A fantastic read. This intriguing novel will keep you engaged until the very end. Traversing the lessons learned from the past, the Bible, a ghost named Mary Margaret, ancient bush rituals, history and human nature, D.A. Winstead has traced the journey of a family impacted by the Sharpeville massacre in 1960. He brilliantly encapsulates the period in South Africa that followed that fatal day many years past. Half a century later, Sarah Johnson takes the forefront as a prominent, black confident female with the American Foreign Service. She is searching for something in her life, but unsure of what that might be.
Although successful, Sarah Johnson, still feels a void within herself, but is not sure exactly what that void is. Upon her travels, she is transferred from the London office to South Africa where she will face many battles between good and evil that will forever change her and her perspective in life. In her search for a meaningful existence and in an effort to fill the void, she gains strong allies in South Africa that impact her life more than she could have imagined. She is changed internally through this alliance and through her adventure into the inner workings and understanding of post-apartheid South Africa.
This novel reads like a post-colonial Southern novel filled with tid-bits of history offering glimpses of life in South Africa while intertwining racism in the United States and comparing South Africa's history with that of the U.S. Through the use of fresh perspectives involving the novel, "To Kill a Mockingbird," readers will find this book not only historically educational, but inspiring as it leads them to the Cross. This work is truly an enchanting novel to be cherished, giving hope and faith.
Beyond his knack for creating supernatural mysteries, D. A. Winstead, who has worked in American embassies around the globe, brings a special realism to his depiction of the Christian expat living abroad, always offering a fascinating and illuminating perspective into U.S. and world politics as well as the culture, traditions, and history of various lands, usually Christian lands stricken with deep sadness in their pasts. He writes with empathy for his characters and offers catharsis to his readers through the difficult journeys of healing that his characters endure. Far beyond being just thrillers, his novels create understanding of the human condition across many times and cultures.
A staunch fiscal conservative and believer in private enterprise, D.A. (Dennis) Winstead, survived working in Washington, DC, for 23 years before calling it quits in 2010. Based in Atlanta now, he plans on releasing this fourth novel in August (Dragon Bones: Two Angels Leave at Sunrise) and his fifth and final novel (Poets Wine) in December 2013. On January 1, 2014, he will officially launch the Color Him Father Foundation, a faith-based nonprofit organization designed to strengthen the father figure in Christian families in Africa.
Emma Right's Keeper of Reign is available at Amazon, in Kindle Edition, at Barnes and Noble, and in NOOK Books.
The Button Legacy, a lesson of how God's grace can be seen even in the simplest thing—a button
"My Dearest Emily...
When you were a little girl, a change occurred in you. You lost a piece of yourself somewhere....But when you were here in Plaster Rock, you bloomed. The stories we told with these buttons made you smile. With your smile came hope.
Repeat the stories you've been told to your own children, never forgetting that God was there in every situation, in every story held inside this box..."
Growing up, Emily Evans of Run, River Currents had always shared a special understanding with her grandfather, John Polk, even when she couldn't fully see beyond the darkness of her father's abuse. Yet John looked to the future in faith to what his God could do.
Years after her grandfather's death, the unexpected delivery of the decorated tin, still brimming with odd-colored buttons, unlocks the joyous memories and lets Emily realize she has finally discovered the secret her grandfather promised lay within the stories of the worn button box.
Told through the eyes of a godly grandfather, The Button Legacy laces together a godly heritage and the power of one man's prayers, offering a lesson of how God's grace can be seen even in the simplest thing--a button.
From the Author:
Instructors of Creative Writing said, "The first book any new writer pens is the book that had to be written." I now fully understand those words. For three gut-wrenching years, my debut book, Run, River Currents, begged to be put to paper. My intent was to write a humorous biography about my mother, a woman who raised a boat-load of children on her own. But for some reason, I could not make the stories resonate, so the humor turned to heartbreak as the story was released from me...coaxed by a writer whose own heart somehow understood the story that was within.
The Button Legacy tells the much happier "rest of the story," as well as the background of my godly grandfather, whom God used in Emily's life to ultimately lead her to Himself. Lacing together a godly heritage and the power of one man's prayers, The Button Legacy offers a lesson of how God's grace can be seen even in the simplest thing—a button.
Author Bio:
Ginger Marcinkowski's debut novel, Run, River Currents, was published in August 2012 and was a 2012 semi-finalist in the ACFW Genesis Awards, also winning an honorable mention in the New England Book Festival in the Spiritual category. The Button Legacy, published in June 2013, was written as a prequel / sequel to Run, River Currents.
Be sure to visit author Ginger Marcinkowski at Novel Travelers, at Facebook or at Twitter.
FaithWriters The Ultimate Community for Christian Writers Blog Contest Winner - Colorful Voice of God by Retha Groenewald
by Retha Groenewald
Help In Todays Job Market - Competitive Job Search by Russel Hadick
Get your copy of Competitive Job Search at Amazon, at WestBow Press, in Kindle Edition and at Barnes and Noble.
The power of Christian Book Marketing sharing Christian authors online around the globe.
The Beauty of the Bible and the Heart - Understanding the Bible: Head and Heart
Believing his work to be providentially guided, Dr. Bob labored ten years bringing to fruition Understanding the Bible: Head and Heart. Because of length, it is divided into three parts (Part One: The Old Testament, Part Two: Matthew through Acts, and Part Three: Romans through Revelation). The work is interpretive Bible summary employing the new genre PROSEPOE, whereby each chapter is dually presented, first in prose then in poetry, for purposes of connecting head and heart in dual understanding.
Dr. Bob views Bible narrative as two dimensional, an informational dimension and a spiritual dimension, thus lending itself perfectly to the PROSEPOE dual interpretative format. The spiritual dimension can be communicated more effectively through poetic mode because the poet's focus is on experience, on engaging the heart. And is not the spirit more effectively engaged through the heart?
For example, when Jesus addresses the apostles with the question—"Who do you say I am?"—And Peter correctly answers—"You are the Christ, the Son of the living God"—Jesus replies—"Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man [through the head], but by my Father in heaven [through the heart]" (Matt 15: 15-17). As Paul later testifies, "it is with your heart that you believe" (Rom 10:10).
Premise: spiritual understanding comes primarily through the heart, and the heart is more readily touched through poetry, a genre known to have done so through the ages. Thus, I submit poetry, by nature experiential, a prudent choice for communicating the spiritual dimension of Bible narrative. Prose explains. Poetry transports. Together, as PROSEPOE, they connect head and heart!
Check out Dr. Bob's PROPOSE theory by viewing it in practice. For a quick sampling of Part One: The Old Testament, the chapter on Jonah entitled "The Big Fish that Swallows" is recommended; for a quick sampling of Part Two: Matthew through Acts, the chapter on John entitled "In the Beginning" is recommended; and, for a quick sampling of Part Three: Romans through Revelation, the chapter on James entitled "Faith without Works" is recommended.
You can get you copy of Understanding the Bible: Head and Heart by Bob Dowell, PhD at Amazon in paper back, Kindle Edition and at Barnes and Noble.
For more information, readers can visit the author's website at Bible and Heart or communicate directly with him via email:
~ Using the power of Christian Book Marketing to share Christ with the nations and peoples of the world.
The Great Commission has been given to all who believe and are faithful
Christian Book News - Award winning Christian author, Dale Allan, releases A Prayer for the Devil
Award winning Christian author, Dale Allan, releases A Prayer for the Devil, a provocative fast-paced murder mystery wrapped in a thoughtful meditation on the intersection of faith and justice.
From beginning to end, this political thriller will keep you on the edge of your seat. Twin brothers Luke and Aaron Miller could not lead more different lives. Aaron, a rising political star who manages the campaign of a man many believe will be the nation's next president, embraced his father's Jewish heritage. Luke, on the other hand, honored his mother's faith and entered the priesthood. When Aaron and the candidate he supports are killed in a bombing at a presidential stump speech, the Miller family's core is destroyed. Fear of a terrorist threat grips the nation, but the FBI and the press seem more focused on the death of a presidential candidate than on the other innocent victims like Aaron. Suddenly, Luke begins to feel the lure of a vengeance that is stronger than the bond of faith.
- WINNER! National Indie Excellence Book Awards Best Religious Fiction, Best Fiction, Best Thriller
- FINALIST! Forward Reviews - Book of the Year - Best Thriller and Suspense
- FINALIST! International Book Awards - Best New Fiction, Best Mystery/Suspense
- AWARDED! Kirkus Star for books of exceptional merit
- PARIS BOOK FESTIVAL - Fiction - Top 10
"I promise you a compelling read. I couldn't put it down once I started reading it. If you're a James Patterson or David Baldacci fan, you'll love this author's style and ability to tell a story and keep your interest, even with several subplots in play…This exciting thriller could easily be made into an action-packed motion picture."
A Remarkable True Story of Faith - Journey To Heaven by Tammy Brodowski Mott and father, Bruce Brodowski
A Must Read Children's Book with accompanying instructional song - Learn to Tie a Tie with the Rabbit and the Fox
(Story with instructional song)
Be sure to watch for Sybrina Durant's coming soon book release for girls, Learn To Knot A Neck Scarf With The Rabbit And The Fox.