Well you've authored you're book, most likely built a great author's media site or blog, however what about you're online marketing and presence? You might say, I paid for a extensive online marketing package with the publisher and my book is listed on countless online bookstores and sites. Congratulation, so are hundreds of thousands of other authors and books.
Maybe you've joined a few online social communities, signed a few guest books and have some online interaction out there that markets you're book and author media site. I could share some great book social clubs and communities with you that have again thousands of author's all trying to do the same thing, the sites are flooded with great books and the competition is fierce.
If you're looking for prime ad placement on a network that consist of over 150 separate sites, that will get you the marketing you deserve and market you're author media site, contact me. I can prepare a marketing challenge that will market you as a author, you're author media site and dramatically increase you're online presence.
Interested parties may contact me at: kingdomexpansion1@gmail.com
Quotes, Quotations, Sayings. Original Creations Off The Top, Off The Wall & Over Rated.
Some Great Blogging Communites
Thanks for stopping by. We hope that you enjoy you're time with us. You will note additional links to the side to various other sites of interest, plus some great blogging communities. There's no doubt that blogging is transforming into various new areas of interest and interaction. While you're here, leave us a comment and please share your site or blog with us and our readers. Happy blogging.
Building A Online Presence For New Authors
Have you just published a new book? Congratulations. I would imagine your quite excited. I would also imagine that you're already pondering book signings, book events, book conferences and possibly online marketing. If so we can help in the online marketing area. Simply contact us at propheticwords1@gmail.com, send us a picture of your new book cover, share a little about you as the author and the book and we will get back to you with a great online marketing plan.
While you here, take some time and visit The Authors Club which is a brand new forum just for authors. You can also market your book and book site at the forum free of charge.Simply visit The Authors Club and again, it's a brand new forum just for authors.
While you here, take some time and visit The Authors Club which is a brand new forum just for authors. You can also market your book and book site at the forum free of charge.Simply visit The Authors Club and again, it's a brand new forum just for authors.
The Authors Club
Are you a published author, or possibly considering publishing your first book and want to interact with other authors? If so here's a brand new forum just for authors and unpublished authors. The Authors Club and the membership is free.
The River Deep Within The Story Writer
You love writing and that's because deep within you is this creative DNA. You have this ability to write stories from start to the end, and see things unfolding while your writing. You have this desire to publish books, write great stories and become a author. Deep inside of you is a river and that river must flow or you feel as if your a stagnant pound.
Authors, let that creative river flow. You're only an idea away from success.
Authors, let that creative river flow. You're only an idea away from success.
A Forum Just For Authors
What a great idea, a forum for authors. Here's a great place for authors to get in touch, share, ask questions and just exchange ideas, information and so on. It's called Published Authors
I would imagine that there is a wealth of knowledge available on this site and just reading over the posts and comments could really help to educate authors on various aspects of writing and publishing.
Authors & Writers Information
Information is important and the more that a author can learn, the greater the changes of success. Writing a book takes a lot more than just typing out a storyline. Manuscript preparation, editing, book cover designs, publishing and publishers all play a part of the process. Plus there are authors press releases, media blogs, marketing, book events, book conferences and all sorts of other very important situations to consider.
Here is a site where authors can meet up, discuss things, get tips, information and just become informed. Writers Net
Here is a site where authors can meet up, discuss things, get tips, information and just become informed. Writers Net
Those Who Constantly Complain
Some people make complaining a daily language. They spew out complaint after complain as if it's sweet fruit to the hearers ears. Yikes! Personally I hate complainers. It's like watching a great day turn into a total mess. So what is it with people that love to complain? What good does it do? What joy is found in it. None.
Joy is found within, happiness is pursued and life is a whole lot better when we don't complain. Life is difficult enough, why invite spiritual wolves to devour your day, night, week and life.
Joy is found within, happiness is pursued and life is a whole lot better when we don't complain. Life is difficult enough, why invite spiritual wolves to devour your day, night, week and life.
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