Living A Healthy Victorious Life

Spiritual Nutrition: Healthy Eating for the Christian Heart focuses on the development of healthy spiritual habits by identifying five core spiritual nutrients and comparing them to their physical counterparts:

•Prayer is like water-vital for life and essential for survival.
•Bible study is like protein necessary for growth.
•Christian fellowship is like carbohydrates-gives us energy.
•Worship is like healthy fats-helps keep our hearts healthy,
•Thinking on good things is like vitamins-necessary for helping the othernutrients work effectively.

Spiritual Nutrition: Healthy Eating for the Christian Heart by Christine Prescott is a must read book.

A Story Of Love, Loss, Pain & Faith

A Story Of Love, Loss, Pain & Faith

From Pacific Northwest's award-winning author Kaylin McFarren comes a powerful novel about love, loss, and the power of forgiveness...

Flaherty's Crossing by Author Kaylin McFarren

Famous Wise Quotes

You've got a lot of choices. If getting out of bed in the morning is a chore and you're not smiling on a regular basis, try another choice. Steven D. Woodhull

Remember, if you’re headed in the wrong direction, God allows U-turns! Allison Gappa Bottke

Mark Twain Quotes

Here are some fun quotes to enjoy Life quotes and some famous quotes Mark Twain quotes .

Just imagine all the quotes, quotations and sayings of the world.

The Wise & The Lost

Plotting ones course is wise. Having no game plan is like being lost in the fog. In the end the wise find their way, and the lost wonder why.

Quote About Success

Success is not something that simply finds you. You must pursue it with passion.

Daily Quote

Quote of the Day

Masterpieces are not single and solitary births; they are the outcome of many years of thinking in common, of thinking by the body of the people, so that the experience of the mass is behind the single voice.
Virginia Woolf

Why Isn't My Book Selling

If you've published a book with a POD publisher, half the work is done. Now you have to market your books and that is just as important as writing and publishing a book.

Maybe you've paid for the 25,000 online bookstore promotion package. OK, cool your in the data base, along with millions of other author's and books. Maybe you've paid for the national and international promotions package. That's great, now your again among the millions and millions of online books.

Have you Googled your books title, or maybe your name and found that your book is found on the search engines? That's great, however in all honesty does anyone other than you, your publisher and a few friends know the name of your book or who you are? Let's be honest, if your a first time author or a unknown author, who's going to search for your book by it's title or your name as the author?

As a author, you must market yourself and your book. That's where having a author media site becomes your starting point. You can showcase your book, a description of your book, your author description, some interesting things about yourself, share important links and share your contact information and where and how book lovers can order your book.

Provided that you can order your books from your publisher at a author's discount. Then you can sell them right from you're authors site and the profits by far exceed royalties.

Your author's media site becomes your online worldwide business card. It is where people can find you, read about your book, you as the author, about local book signings and whatever other interesting information and content you provide. Without your own personal website, or authors blog, your just another book and author among the millions and millions found online.

Some author's join every book club they can find, sign every guest book they can and join other author communities hoping that this will bring book sales. However, in the end, this usually proves to be a lot of work with very little results.

If your looking for some assistance in creating a author's site and marketing your site and book, contact us at , we can help you get online, jump started and get you the online exposure that you deserve.
Author Media Blogs & Book Marketing

New Book Release Wanted

Well you've authored you're book, most likely built a great author's media site or blog, however what about you're online marketing and presence? You might say, I paid for a extensive online marketing package with the publisher and my book is listed on countless online bookstores and sites. Congratulation, so are hundreds of thousands of other authors and books.

Maybe you've joined a few online social communities, signed a few guest books and have some online interaction out there that markets you're book and author media site. I could share some great book social clubs and communities with you that have again thousands of author's all trying to do the same thing, the sites are flooded with great books and the competition is fierce.

If you're looking for prime ad placement on a network that consist of over 150 separate sites, that will get you the marketing you deserve and market you're author media site, contact me. I can prepare a marketing challenge that will market you as a author, you're author media site and dramatically increase you're online presence.

Interested parties may contact me at:

Some Great Blogging Communites

Thanks for stopping by. We hope that you enjoy you're time with us. You will note additional links to the side to various other sites of interest, plus some great blogging communities. There's no doubt that blogging is transforming into various new areas of interest and interaction. While you're here, leave us a comment and please share your site or blog with us and our readers. Happy blogging.

Building A Online Presence For New Authors

Have you just published a new book? Congratulations. I would imagine your quite excited. I would also imagine that you're already pondering book signings, book events, book conferences and possibly online marketing. If so we can help in the online marketing area. Simply contact us at, send us a picture of your new book cover, share a little about you as the author and the book and we will get back to you with a great online marketing plan.

While you here, take some time and visit The Authors Club which is a brand new forum just for authors. You can also market your book and book site at the forum free of charge.Simply visit The Authors Club and again, it's a brand new forum just for authors.

The Authors Club

Are you a published author, or possibly considering publishing your first book and want to interact with other authors? If so here's a brand new forum just for authors and unpublished authors. The Authors Club and the membership is free.

The River Deep Within The Story Writer

You love writing and that's because deep within you is this creative DNA. You have this ability to write stories from start to the end, and see things unfolding while your writing. You have this desire to publish books, write great stories and become a author. Deep inside of you is a river and that river must flow or you feel as if your a stagnant pound.

Authors, let that creative river flow. You're only an idea away from success.

A Forum Just For Authors

What a great idea, a forum for authors. Here's a great place for authors to get in touch, share, ask questions and just exchange ideas, information and so on. It's called Published Authors
I would imagine that there is a wealth of knowledge available on this site and just reading over the posts and comments could really help to educate authors on various aspects of writing and publishing.

Authors & Writers Information

Information is important and the more that a author can learn, the greater the changes of success. Writing a book takes a lot more than just typing out a storyline. Manuscript preparation, editing, book cover designs, publishing and publishers all play a part of the process. Plus there are authors press releases, media blogs, marketing, book events, book conferences and all sorts of other very important situations to consider.

Here is a site where authors can meet up, discuss things, get tips, information and just become informed. Writers Net

Those Who Constantly Complain

Some people make complaining a daily language. They spew out complaint after complain as if it's sweet fruit to the hearers ears. Yikes! Personally I hate complainers. It's like watching a great day turn into a total mess. So what is it with people that love to complain? What good does it do? What joy is found in it. None.

Joy is found within, happiness is pursued and life is a whole lot better when we don't complain. Life is difficult enough, why invite spiritual wolves to devour your day, night, week and life.

We Hit the Jack Pot, Great Dinner Savings

This evening we decided to do the Monday night special. Our local grocery store was offering whole barbecued chickens, potato salad and a free 2 liter coke for $7.00. We ordered some fried potato fries, some cole slaw, a three bean dish and got a package of roles also. The damage, a whole whopping $14.00. The meal fed three adults, plus one child and we have left overs for snacks or lunch tomorrow. In today's economy, we hit the jack pot.

The Morning Blog Blink News

The words News Flash! flood the Internet. It's the morning blog blink news flash as millions of bloggers hit the Internet. Posts star flying, labels flood the waves, as keyboards around the world are set ablaze. Feeds devour the content, blogging communities light up, as nuclear content foods the blogging networks around the globe. One hour later and millions of posts have been placed as the debates unfold. Comments start filling white boxes as readers devour the emotions with interest. Click and off to the latest social club. Zap in your user name and password and behold, you've got mail. Meanwhile somewhere online is granny. She types 200 words a minute and sits before two wired up computers, keyboards and screens. Slap! Bamb! Crash! and she's set your world straight with some good old fashion Midwest sarcasm while chewing in chewing on beef jerky.

Blink, blink, and before you know it, you've devoured your entire day online blogging, only to realize that your Internet cable was unplugged. Minutes later and you've regained you're sanity only to do it all over again. Your title, simple. A un employed blogger gone wild.

Tackling The Online Market

It's a huge ocean out there on the Internet with volumes of information and sites. Everyone is competing for your business. This places you, the consumer is a great position to find quality products and services at great prices. All you have to do is take the time to research the products and services that you need.

I mean if you were going to go fishing, you look for the best spot and use the best bail. Right? Check out the waters and find the right pound to cast your line into.

ATM Machines, Luxury Or Channeling

OK, we all use them. They are everywhere. At the gas station, the grocery store, the library, on campuses, at sports events and many other places. They offer convenience. You stick your card in, make a deposit or withdraw cash. Oh ya, that's right for a small fee which is usually $2.00 each time you make a withdrawal.

So you put your money in a bank. The bank charges you money to order checks, to write them and every time you use a ATM machine, you pay a fee. The reality is that you pay the bank for the right to use your own money. Hey, that's banking and just imagine your money is safe. Then there are all these fees, and additional penalties there just in case you mess up. For example you make a deposit and that same day write a check before the banks gets around to crediting your account and your check bounces. Bamb! a $33.00 fee, yet the bank had your money hours and hours before you made that purchase and wrote the check.

Banks are a must. As for the ATM Machines. Do you really believe they were created just to make your life easier?  I just wonder how many ATM withdrawals are made in the United States a year and what that adds up to at an average of $2.00 per withdrawel? Could it be in the millions, tens' of millions, 100's of millions? 

Attracting Potential Buyers To Your Website

Traffic is important to a website. The more people that visit a website that markets products and services, the greater chance for sales. It's a huge ocean out there on the Internet. If your looking to advertise a product or website?, we have prime ad space available. Simply contact us and let us know what you want to market or advertise and we will be happy to assist you. All products, services and/or web sites must be approved, so please send us the blog or web site address so that we can review it. We can even help with designer a banner that fits your needs.

Savings That Add Up

In today's world saving money is a must. Especially when it comes to the money we spend. Looking for the right products at the right price can make all the difference in the world. Savings add up and if we can save on many of our purchases, those savings can be applied to other things. There are tons of great products that can be purchased online through various reputable companies and websites. All you have to do is find those websites and that's easy in today's online world. Simply Google them and you will find lots of information and great sites.

Remember, a dollar saved, is a dollar earned. Just imagine saving $2.00 per day. That's over $700.00 per year. Now think bigger.

Acid Brain Freeze

There's nothing worse than acid on the brain. It slowly melts into our thoughts creating psychedelic thought patterns. Next think we know, brain freeze sets in and our thoughts while seeming online to us, are off line to others.

For it's better to except reality than to live a life of fiction.

Bad Luck

Do you sometimes feel as if you have bad luck? Cars breaking down, automobile accidents, headaches, illnesses, and family problems? Maybe your days and life are ruled by frustrations, anxiety, fears, thoughts gone wild, or maybe true happiness just seems to escape you.

There is a scripture in the Bible that basically says "we reap what we sow".

Don't train wreck others, don't add frustration to the lives of others, don't sow seeds of destruction into other families, don't bring frustrations upon others, or create anxiety in their life, or fear and it's quite possible, these things will leave you. We do, we reap what we sow.

Sow love, honesty, truth, integrity, peace, compassion, mercy and good things into the lives of others and be blessed.

Broken Promises Are Like Infections

If you want to find happiness and success in life, start with keeping you're promises. Broken promises are like wounds cast upon others that bring infections back upon you.

Sour Fruit

Have you ever encountered a situation when someone owed you money that they promised to give to you, yet you never received it. Or maybe someone promised to take care of another matter, yet that too never came to pass. Next think you know, the person does everything they can to avoid you. That's because they don't want to be held accountable. They are hoping it will just go away.

What they don't realize is that they are accountable and their actions or shall we say non actions will catch up with them and many times they will be multiplied back upon them in other areas of their life. You see, we all reap what we sow and if we sow dishonesty and broken promises, we will reap the fruit of such things.

When The Truth Exposes The Darkness

Have you ever noticed how sometimes people's true colors shine through and the colors are the complete opposite of what they wanted you and others to think about them? Only to realize that you have been handed a continuous flow of deception and lies? It amazes me how some people use and abuse others basically to make up for their own miserable worthless lives. Many times you can even see the fruits of such people in their children do to the dysfunctional family and dysfunctional family lifestyle. It's sad because their lives are filled with endless scares, headaches, and metal illnesses and the affects upon the children lead to emotional problems, anger management problems, guilt, shame, embarrassments, and they become disconnected from reality.

Know this, they do not go un noticed and while they think they have pulled the wool over the eye's of many, in time, they will be exposed. You see, those who cast evil and wickedness upon others in the end become ensnared in their own ways. Life becomes endlessly painful for them, they continue to encounter emotional, mental and even health problems that soon overtake them. It's really sad to see a life and the lives of others waste away and decay like that. It's a long, slow and very painful death, yet death is withheld from them.

There is no peace, saith the LORD, unto the wicked.

Qutting Is Not A Fomula

There are big fish and small fish in the oceans of life. Many times we set out for the big catches and end up with sardines rather than tuna. Yet even as a child we must learn how to catch the minnows before we attempt to catch the big ones. We learn from the process of starting with small things when we are small. Sometimes we see ourselves as giants with great capabilities. Sometimes we see ourselves as that which we are not or shall I say have not arrived at or accomplished yet. Now don't get me wrong, that's not to say that we all can't find and become successful. However it is to say that we must work at success, earn success, cultivate success and become successful before we lay claim to it. Oh, and by the way, quitting is not in the formula.

Being Of Sound Mind

Being of sound mind is not guaranteed at birth. One must obtain it while flushing out all the garbage. In the end either sound mind will come forth or a strong smell that keeps others at a great distance as the walls of one's world closes in.

Dreams And Success

It is good to dream about success, however it is better to find success. One way to find success is to open you're eye's and get your focus off yourself. Another way to find success is to invest in the lives of others without using them and abusing them along the way. You see, when you do what is good and right, success will find you.

The Colors In Your Rainbow

I encountered a dream last January. There was this man and he appeared to be like a professor. At least he thought he was. He had all his books and papers in front of him on a table. He was speaking as if to a large crowd. In front of the man were rows and rows of chairs. The chairs were all empty, yet the man continued with his speech as if all the chairs had people sitting in them. The man was speaking and teaching to empty chairs. It was only a dream.

What colors does your character and personality give off? Are you a beautiful rainbow or a headache? Are your colors full or transparent? Do people like you or put up with you? Do people enjoy you or walk away wondering if you're all there. Do you see yourself as beautiful colors while others see you as colorless?

The Imaginary Idealist

Do you know him? He's full of idea's. He's a master at sharing things. He has volumes of great ideas, endless projects on the board, and he's constantly thinking up new ones. The wheels of his mind are full of great accomplishments. The racing thoughts fuel his very existence and he sounds off at every listening ear the very thoughts that consume him. Like a speeding racing thought, the next thoughts come into play, and the world is his play ground.

Success escapes him as fear of failure takes rule over him. For it's easier to create another new idea than it is to complete the ones already on the table. Like a frog leaping from leap to leap, as the battlefield of the mind unfolds.

He's an imaginary idealist just waiting for the next chapter of his mind to unfold ...

Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind

Building blocks that lead to a successful future are not made up of broken covenants, but accountability and being held accountable to covenants. Is it live or memorex, one asks? The answer is that it's written on a scroll.

Have You Ever Taken Notice

Have you ever noticed how soft words, words of encouragement and words of hope can bring healing to peoples situations and circumstances. Yet words of condemnation, bitterness and hatred bring destruction, emotional heartaches and rotten fruit forth.

Seeds of love and compassion, words of healing.
Speak them.

Running The Race Well

It's not the race that's important. It's not the trophy that's important. And it's not about being the best that's important. It's about running the race well, finishing the course and hearing the words "well done, true and faithful servant".

Familiar Spirits

It's one thing to think. It's another thing to carry conversations with yourself. Either way, both have deep affects. Peace and quite produces a healthy mind set, inner success and a well balanced life.

Turn the switch off and take an occational break.

The Bumps Of Life

Ok, so life has bumps, curves, mountains, difficulties, hard times and at times can be very challenging. However, that is no excuse for bad manners, poor character, and flat out being rude.

Never Throw The Towel In Before It's Time

It's good to stay the course, finish the race and not throw the towel in before one had accomplished what they set out to accomplish. The end result is the difference between failure and success.

Off The Wall Friendships

Do you have some mending to do? Maybe a relational situation, maybe something your running from, or maybe your actions just seemed to fall short? It's never too late to have what is written, blotted out. It's never to late to mend broken fences.

Like The Beatles

The Lord said "we are going to be like the Beatles", the man exclaimed.

Well one thing about the Beatles. They stuck together, made music and stayed the course.

But then again, isn't it better just to be yourself, rather than to try and be someone else.

Duh, that's a no brainer.

What's Powering Your Future

When I was a kid, my mother use to say "remember son, what goes around comes around". At the time, I didn't realize that she was expanding on a scripture that says " we reap what we sow". Therefore, sow good things, that you may receive good things.

How Good, How Right

A Song of degrees of David. Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!

It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments;

As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the LORD commanded the blessing, even life for evermore.


The Greatest Quotes

They are not simply written for others to read.
They are extensions of wise men who have lived them.


A Fun Saying

Whenever faced with certain situations, a brother at our church would say:

"What's your major malfunction".

Truth being, we all have bad hair days.


A Special Welcome To Jackson, Whyoming

I love the visitors from around the nation and globe that visit our blogs.

Jackson, Wyoming arrived on
"Quotes & Quotations By Eric Zehnder"



The worst type of communication is non communication.

Quotes & Quoations ERP

Happy New Year

Happy New year to you and yours.